In a significant development, the Delhi Police have filed a comprehensive charge sheet against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, former chief of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lawmaker. The charge sheet, comprising 1,082 pages, accuses Singh. And his aide Vinod Tomar of assault, making sexually colored remarks, and stalking. Deputy Police Commissioner Pranav Tayal confirmed that Singh has been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Including assault with intent to outrage modesty, making sexually colored remarks, and stalking. Tomar has also been indicted on charges of abetment, criminal intimidation, and the same sections as Singh.
While the police have gathered evidence against the accused, they have not deemed it necessary to make immediate arrests since the maximum punishment for these charges is five years. The investigation is ongoing, and additional evidence may be included in a supplementary charge sheet once details from overseas wrestling federations and forensic reports of digital evidence are obtained.
In a separate case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The Delhi Police stated that no corroborative evidence was found against Singh. The police submitted a 552-page cancellation report to the court, citing statements from the minor wrestler, her father, the complainant, Singh, and other witnesses. A cancellation report is filed when there is a lack of corroborative evidence.
Notably, the minor wrestler was among the women athletes who accused Singh of sexual harassment during his 12-year tenure as WFI chief. However, her father, as the complainant in the POCSO Act case, later withdrew the allegations and recorded a fresh statement before a magistrate. Based on these statements, the police requested the cancellation of the case.
Four out of the six women athletes involved in the case have provided audio and visual evidence supporting their allegations. The wrestlers, who had been protesting for Singh’s arrest, temporarily suspended their protest until June 15. After receiving assurance from Union Minister Anurag Thakur that the charge sheet would be filed by that date.
The investigation into the sexual harassment case has been closely monitored, given the burden of proof on the investigating agencies. Initially, the police did not file a first information report (FIR) until directed to do so by the Supreme Court.
The case has attracted widespread attention, with the wrestlers staging a prolonged protest at Jantar Mantar. They faced difficulties during their demonstration. Including being manhandled, stopped, and detained when attempting to march to the new Parliament building during its inauguration. The wrestlers also refrained from immersing their medals in the Ganga as a symbolic protest against Singh.
A Special Investigation Team has been diligently examining the matter, having questioned over 180 individuals. And visited Singh’s residence in Gonda to record statements from his relatives, colleagues, and associates. The investigation continues as the court proceedings unfold.