The Health Department has instructed the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) to cease advertising tobacco products on its buses immediately. This comes after the department issued a notice to the KSRTC stating that it was violating the law by displaying advertisements promoting tobacco products on its vehicles.
KSRTC instructed to remove tobacco ads from buses
The Health Department has taken this step to protect public health and to comply with the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), which prohibits tobacco advertising in public places. This law was enacted to prevent the promotion of tobacco products, which are known to cause serious health problems, including cancer and heart disease.
By advertising tobacco products on its buses, KSRTC was sending a message to the public that smoking and the use of tobacco products are acceptable. However, this goes against the efforts of the government and public health organizations to reduce tobacco use and its harmful effects.
In response to the Health Department’s notice, KSRTC has promised to remove all tobacco advertisements from its buses immediately. This is a positive step in promoting public health and reducing the incidence of tobacco use in the state.
It is important for all public transport operators to comply with the law and stop advertising tobacco products on their vehicles. By doing so, they can help create a tobacco-free environment and reduce the impact of tobacco on public health. Moreover, the Health Department will continue to monitor compliance with COTPA and take appropriate action against those who violate the law.