On Monday at 12:25 PM (IST), shares of Aurobindo Pharma Ltd NSE 0.40 % rose to Rs 445.0, a slight but noteworthy increase of 0.07%. During the trading session, the stock hit its peak value of Rs 446.9 and bottomed out at Rs 442.65 – an impressive span that reaffirms investor confidence in this company’s potential.
At 12:25 PM, the trading activity of Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. registered a return on equity (ROE) of 10.77 percent. This was with an extraordinary volume of shares and turnover worth Rs 1.01 crore around that time.
Additionally, its 52-week high price was recorded at Rs 730.
FII holding/promoter
Promoters retained 48.76% ownership of the company as of December 31st, 2022, with foreign investors and domestic institutional investors owning 20.71% and 9.82%, respectively. This is a positive sign, as it shows the promoter’s confidence in their own stock.
Key Financials
For the quarter ended 30-Sep-2022, the company reported consolidated sales of Rs 5796.56 crore. However, there was a decrease of 7.65% from Q2’s figures and 4.01% compared to the same period last year.
The positive sentiment in the market is reflected in Aurobindo Pharma Ltd’s share price rise. Furthermore, investors are encouraged by its financial performance and strong promoter ownership.
The company’s outlook remains positive, and investors may benefit from buying in at the current price. However, any decision to invest should be taken after due consideration of potential risks.